Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Ok people there is a book on the market national best seller called Born to Run by Christopher McDougall and this book is changing my life. !! i'm starting a revolution its called boycotting running shoes. Fun facts for you from McDougall's book
1- The best shoes are the worst
Runners wearing the top-of-the-line shoes are 123% MORE LIKELY to get injured
than runners in cheap shoes.
2- Feet like a good Beating
as reported, that as shoes wore down and their cushioning thinned, runners gained more foot control.

3- Alan Webb (americas greatest miler.) says "human beings are designed to run without shoes."

So the book says tennis shoes with "pronation protection" added gels, microchips, thicker souls and all that added stuff is BAD for your feet. essentially its like wearing 4 pairs of wool gloves and trying to pick up a penny. Shoes restrict articulation much like the gloves. More than that our feet were made to run flat footed people (aka dad) if he took off his shoes he would develop an arch, its the arch that absorbs all the impact,(well technically passes the impact from the body into the ground.) but back to shoes. shoes allow us to run sloppy, and have it "not hurt" but in reality the shoes are what makes us hurt (lower back pain, bad knees, pulled tendons, and muscles... and all that jazz) There is a little appetizer for you all but the best runner in Kenya are the healthiest runners because they don't wear shoes till they are 17. so their legs are strong and the muscles attached to their ankles (tibalis anterior, fibialis interior, Achilles tendon,...) are strong and developed to stay strong. so the book advises 3 days a week go run barefoot on dewy grass. (i'm starting this week i'll keep you updated)


  1. I am very interested. I have no arches and easily sprain/twist my ankles. So now I can blame it on the shoes and not my gracefull abilities?!?

  2. Yep that's right its those injuries that come from running/walking shoes.
