Sunday, April 17, 2011

Technology -Relationship

K so some of you know i have a friend named Zack McKee who i until recently had never met. Oh wait you didn't know? ok i'll tell you a story. Elder McKee served his mission here in NC, but more specifically in Winston-Salem for 7 months so he is a huge favorite around here. Anyways while Zack was on his mission he taught my friend Nicole. (she didn't convert but they kept in touch). Nicole last March discovered that i was a Mormon and from Utah and gave Zack my number we have been texting/talking ever since. So after much facebook stalking and conversations on the phone, and random texts messages. Zack came out to NC last Wednesday and we met. So family here you go. This is Zack.


  1. It looks like you kind of like him. :)He looks like a nice guy. Did he come to NC just to see you?
    (Hey, how close were you to all those tornados this weekend?)
