As some of you know i spent my week and change at the Atlantic Beach (that's the name of the beach and the ocean) though that was awesome i did get slightly lobstered while we played 6 hours worth of ultimate Frisbee and Football. But while i was at the beach i realized some things which brings me to the topic of Ridiculous things products say...
-Like on Fat-free, sugarless, and totally tasty yogurt it reads can add sugar if taste is not desired.
-On everyday sunscreen- in the fine print it says may cause sunburns if so stop use. (!!!!?)so they made sunscreen which may CAUSE sunburns...
Oh man and my favorite thing that i saw was a lady complaining about her dog leaving his droppings all over the beach and she had to go pick it all up... however it struck me as this so they make bags for dog-droppings, and i couldn't help but wonder if that affected the pooper scooper market.?? (yeah thats economics for ya i think about everything as supply and demand)
Alright so in my Health and Wellness class we have been discussing nutrition first off people just so you know
-a muffin (smaller than the one you get as Costco) serves 3 people.
-Junior mints- a serving is 16 pieces
-One package of Ramon Noodles serves 2 people
-Tortilla Chips 12 1/2 chips.
-and finally a Hershey's bar- serves 3 1/2 people...
Ah no wonder why Americans have bad self esteem and eat too much. Our serving sizes are for half people