Monday, October 22, 2012

Moving Parade

That is a HUGE stack of boxes we picked up from the Market  on our way to help move. 
Sorry I have literally been MIA for the past few weeks, but don't be to worried you will see us this weekend.  For the past little while Zack's parents have been closing on a house they want to move into, until they build again. Needless to say Amber and I have been packing up the rooms that aren't being used, and going through lots of things. (It's actually been a lot of fun because we don't have to do it all in one weekend we have time to do it a bit at a time.) Anywho's this past week we did a lot. We moved Hayden's room. Midge he has more shoes than you and more clothes than you, me, and Erica put together. I wish I was kidding. It took a whole truck load to move all of his clothes. I intend to write him and tell him all about moving his blasted clothes.  Seriously, ridiculous amounts of clothes. After Hayden's room we did Tayla's literally a mountain of toys. The good thing about helping Amber move everything is she told me stories about a just about everything, and I came home with some pretty cool items.  

The house they are moving to is down on the beach on the South end of Bear Lake, which they are way excited about because they will be able to launch the boat from there. Speaking of the boat the temperature is officially cold, and the boys talked me into going wake-boarding with them a few weeks ago. Safe to say I froze to death, and lost the feeling in my toes permanently.   

Wake-boarding in FREEZING WATER
On Saturday we moved the storage room which had enough Christmas decorations in it Mom and Grandma would have been proud. We chain-ganged the big silver food storage cans from the storage room through the basement kitchen, through the down-stairs family room, through the glass door, to the back of the trailer, and finally to the front of the trailer. Safe to say it was a good time. Though my hands are semi-bruised and sore from catching the  "Heavy"  cans as they were tossed to me.  Tonight we tackle both garages, hopefully we have it done before this storm hits to hard tonight, and through the rest of the week.  If not... well it will be an adventure.

In a bit of other news TYLER comes home SOON! You all should be crazy excited! 


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