well family. I'm supposed to be at the Richard's house listening to General Conference but my ride bailed on me so i'm in my dorm listening to it on my computer. I loved the Bishops Burton's talk after L.Tom Perry the ITY Virtues.
things i liked
Ann. M. Dib
-Continually holding fast to the Rod of Iron continuing to press forward.
- Invited to "Get a Grip" its not always easy, we may let go thinking we do it ourselves. When we do so we leave our safety equipment behind.
-"Ann they are everything" -Monson
Russel M. Nelson
-Ask, Seek, Knock.
-Capture great impressions.(write legibly.)
-Firm faith, deep desire, sincere heart, and real intent (knowing you will follow what ever the answer is) Study the matter diligently,
-Pattern- Guide his children through the Prophet.
-Mosiah 3:19. the Natural man is an enemy to God and has been since the fall of Adam. and will be forever and ever unless he yields to the enticing of the Holy Spirit and becometh as a child.
- The Story about the man who went Deaf , "I had to lose my hearing, before i could heed to the Spirit."
- Guidelines Develop faith, hope charity and love D&C 4:5. Ask and you WILL receive. -Revelation never contradicts with the Lords plan.
-Revelation need not all come at once, Line upon line precept upon precept.
-Unto him that recievieth i will give more.
-the veil was taken from our minds (is that why we only use 4%of our brain?)
President Monson-
-What did you do for someone today? His fathers most valuable legacy.
-Motivation to do service, an inner desire to help others.
-Mosiah 2:17 Serve others=serve God
-those who only live for themselves shrivel up and lose their lives.
-David O'Mckay "Mans greatest happiness comes from losing himself in the help of others"
-How many times has your heart been touched, by the service of others?
-Take a step back and we may find we have immersed ourselves in taking time for things that don't really matter much at all.
-FAmily members, friends, acquaintances, or strangers we have a mandate to help and serve others, as Gods hands.
-The ideal gift, "Find someone who is having a hard time, or is ill, or lonely and do something for him or her."
-"warm fuzzies"
-"He speaks to you, he speaks to me and says come unto me."
-"That each may qualify for this blessing, 'Well Done'"
I love conference. While i watched this i couldn't help but think of you all sitting around and watching/listening together in the family room. Eating junk food and still in your pj's. I love you family.
No i didn't get to listen to Saturdays i had a game. Nor did i get the RS broadcast. :( but no worries thats the great thing about the internet i can watch them. WHAT you were dressed!!!? NO Way!! and rice crispy treats aren't necessarily healthy sis.