Thursday, September 30, 2010

April you'll hate this

the article which a talked about in the post before this, caught a lot of your attention. Now let me tell you WHY the general public would agree. mostly because in his article he brings to the floor the words of professionals, and its published in TIME magazine he makes it sound believable. However, exercise IS vital to losing weight however he makes it seem like it's the ONLY important factor that is where he is wrong. Exercise will not make you thin if you are not watching what you put into your system. True exercise does make you hungry, obviously you just burned tons of calories and your body is fatigued. The author indeed uses the words of professionals but in what context were those words said? he gives no background to those said professionals. BOTTOM LINE Exercise won't make you thin, and neither will fad-diets because those are two things that rely on a bigger issue what we eat.
To truly lose weight it consists of a few factors 1-30 MINUTES of moderate/vigorous exercise everyday (if you can talk while you are exercising its not vigorous)2- Intake of foods which are HEALTHY (avoiding products with the first ingredients listed as corn syrup/starch) 3-WATER the average person should consume ATLEAST 8 8-ounces of water, and 4- SLEEP our bodies need time to rest and reset for the next day. A healthy amount of weight to lose is TWO POUNDS.
APRIL- the biggest thing these liberal, outspoken, orange-haired professors have burned into my brain is there are no short cuts. and to challenge questions. We can't cut out something and not expect a consequence later. Nor can we expect one thing we should have done and didn't to be compensated for by something else. BASICALLY these wiry, saucy professors focus on LIFE LONG CHANGES, we can't expect to lose weight if we only sporadically exercise, or if we only change our diets for a little while. These changes we make must be for life.


  1. First, I agreed with your first post because it makes sense given the information that was given to us. Second, I agree more with this. Basically it is what we are taught in the church, moderation. Everybody in this world is gratification now. They don't have patience to see something through and wait awhile for the result. You can't expect something to change if you aren't willing to change what isn't working. So no I don't hate you. I am agreeing with you. :) To me what you have said is all common sense. (plus I learned about it in my nutrition class) :)

  2. Yay you don't hate me. :) but no you are exaclty right i think for my senior thesis i'm going to make connections to the principles i've been taught here to the principles of the church.

  3. SiS, Wow it's been too long since I said hi so, HI! In regard to Time magazine-I tend to agree with your second post more than the first one. Congrats with Soccer, Ross was telling me about Germany! Love ya!
