Friday, September 10, 2010

TIME Magazine

Recently i read an article written by John Cloud posted in the TIME magazine. Now i know this isn't unusual for me, but this particular article struck my medulla oblongata quite forcefully. The article title is Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin. ??? Yes this blew my mind also for i thought exercising helped us lose weight? (are you sitting down?) Newsflash it does not. Exercise is great for our bodies it helps our immune system, lowers the risk of heart disease, and diabetes, increases endorphins and... stimulates hunger? Thinking about it now it makes sense. On a day when we do not have morning conditioning i wake up about 8 stroll down to the Rat aka the Rafactory and eat a bowl of cereal and some fruit usually occasionally a bagel instead of cereal. Now on days we do have conditioning i'm up and at practice at 7 -8:30 then i head up to the Rat and without a doubt eat an omlet, a bowl of fruit, pancakes, and possibly a bagel. Though guarenteed i did just work out for 90 minutes but i just consumed a few thousand or so calories. which basically washes out my workout from that morning. If we look at calories and exercise on a balance scale (like the one they use in church for the Justice v Mercy lesson.) Our exercise is supposed to be heavier than our caloric intake. HOWEVER exercise stimulates our caloric intake. Ergo studies and (i'm sure this will be advertised at some point) magazines will now make the push not towards joining a gym but towards eating healthy.

side note the book Born to Run (the reason i have those funny toe shoes) author Christopher McDougal will be in Winston-Salem on Saturday.


  1. April i know you will read this update your dang blog!!

  2. Am I really that predictable that you "know" that I will read your blog? :)
    I must be because you are right. I am reading your blog.

    I can see the logic in that article. When I was training for my triathlon. I didn't lose weight like I thought I would. I maintained but nothing came off. Probably because I was so hungry all the time from working out.

    Did you go listen to that author?

  3. OH April you are going to HATE me next post lol. and yes i went to listen, met and chatted with that author.

  4. T- been missing you around here! Thought I would see what you've been up to lately! What you said makes since to me. Take care.

  5. Well, make me hate you already!!! Where are you? Let me hear what those college professors have brain washed you into this time.
