Tuesday, July 26, 2011


As most of you peeps know Kate made me an aunt again with the birth of little Emma Beth 6lbs-5ounces, 19 inches long, and a whole bundle of cuteness. I see ribbons and a lot of laughs from that girl in the near future.

Here is Abi and I on the way over. I know in this picture it looks like I'm more excited but really it was her.

Papa Ross assisting Abi in holding her little sister.
Ah the babe.

The beginning of "Papa" time before Scooby Doo and Blue Juice


  1. Love the video of abi. So cute. Thanks for posting these. I haven't got to see her yet and I can hardly wait.

  2. just finally made it back to your blog. Thanks for being such a great aunt!

  3. Hi Tia, It's Kate these little clips made me cry.. Thank's for taking them like Ross said your a great aunt our girls are so lucky!!
