Tuesday, March 15, 2011


a few things to say if you are a chiropractor be a chiropractor and keep your prego self out of the classroom.

So A little up date next week is spring break so this week is NoBreak. I feel like i've been on the go since Monday morning i've either been in science 311 or the conference room in the library, or study hall which is where my life has been controlled by a 3 foot desk and a squeaky chair.

Now you may be asking yourself "if you are so busy why are you blogging?" That is an excellent question which i have an answer for. I just recently finished my 8 page nutrition analysis paper, where most people would go do something fun, like have a shaving cream war, or water balloon the lesbians on Clewell patio. I sit and blog to my family so they know what is going on in my life. (martyr?) I also thought i would share some of my recently found favorite quotes.

"I love the smell of Napalm in the morning... it smells like VICTORY!" -thank you to University of North Carolina women soccer team.
"A captain is someone who leads stretching, a leader is someone the team looks to in crunch situations and wants the ball with the game on the line." -Coach Miller
"Out of every team in this tournament including my own, your team plays the most like Brazilians." -Said to Anson Dorrance by Brazil's coach in the China Women World Cup.

"Did you miss the part when i said that should be a sprint?" "Get your knees in your chest when you go over that cone!" "You are not swinging a tennis racket, you don't just swing in the general direction of the ball and magically hit it. Keep your head in, chin tucked, and throw your hands at the ball!" "Given the choice between a righty and a lefty always pick a lefty" "Bring a spoon there's a good chance it will be chilly" "do you know what hit and run means?" "Ty quit saying what." ... "oh your name's not Ty..." -Thank you Coach Long

It's softball season. :)

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