Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Checking in!

So since i've been here i've been to Georgia, Virginia, and Alabama. Soon we are heading to Tennessee. :) I was excited to see all of these places but it all basically looks the same. lol. But its great i get to spend a lot of time with my teammates (which occasionally gets annoying) but its good. Oh yes, this past weekend + Monday. We lost to Hunnington on Sunday... wonder why? It was not a good game for any of us, luckily we are almost done with our Sunday games. On Monday we turned around and whomped LaGrange 6-1. I scored two and Sabrina netted 2 also. I don't remember who had the others. I'm excited for General Conference this weekend, i think all of the single adults are going to the Richards house for most of the weekend lol. I don't fit in with them though. The guys are 21+ and are just socially awkward. And the girls well they all went on missions so i know absolutely nothing when it comes to them. which i hate. But true they have had many experiences with the gospel but sometimes what they say completely contradicts what i was taught. when i ask them to explain what they said, they just kinda look at me like i'm retarded. Most of them do that Brooke doesn't she's my favorite. lol. She's kinda like a combination of all of my sisters combined which is kinda weird and kinda awesome. well don't stress to much with the wedding being this weekend. I love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Tia, look at all you have accomplished in this short, I mean, long amount of time you have been gone; world traveler, soccer scorer, missionary questioner. Pretty impressive. Have fun. We'll miss you this weekend. We'll do our best to have fun without you.
