Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"To be or not to be" Really is the question.

I love General Conference. :) Sorry for not keeping my blog as up to date as you would like. But here is what has gone on I left for spring break the Day after i saw Aunt Nancy. (who looks phenomenal!!) It was wonderful to see her and catch up. I miss the whole family interaction business.

So i could talk about conference, but i haven't re-read my favorite talks yet so that blog will have to wait. But i did have a moment the other day in Relief Society. Sister Turvaville was teaching about the Apostle Peter. While the "women" discussed what they knew about Peter, Sister Turvaville wrote on the board some of the "Big Peters" or his defining moments; moments that said a lot about his character.

Sister Turv went on and told the story about the apostles chillin' in a boat out at sea, when the waves started to turn to white caps, and eventually the boat began to be tossed, and the Apostles looked out and saw a man walking across the water and they were afraid. Now we know it was Christ upon the water, and bade them to "Come unto Him." now here she paused and asked us for the rest of the story a good sister told the rest of the story about how Peter called out "Lord if it be ye let me come unto you upon the water." and Christ bade him come and Peter walked on the water. Now here Young Sister Turvaville interrupted (age 17) and said "Mom you might want to add that he's the only apostle who Christ said directly had 'little faith'" Everyone in the room chuckled at this and Sister Turv wrote it on the board. . . I had to speak up after that because it struck me that no other Apostle even got out of the boat. If Peter had LITTLE faith and walked to Christ and IMMEDIATELY when he started to sink, cried out "Master save me!" and IMMEDIATELY he was pulled back to the top of the water to stand with Christ. What about the other Apostle's who stayed in the boat who never tried their faith by walking out to meet Christ on the sea? I said my piece and no one said anything the room was actually quite still. I assumed i said the wrong thing. Sister Turv just kinda stared at me and then she erased what her daughter had said from the board. She finished her lesson probably not the way she intended to, but I think highly of Peter and i think he gets a bad rap because Christ always told him "to have faith" but Peter got out of the boat.

I think we all are out of the boat, i think we made that decision when we came to earth to gain a body and to be tested. Now we stand upon the water, and sure we make mistakes and lose faith and start to sink, but when we do we can ask for the Master to save us and He will.

yep just a thought. i love your blogs thanks for the updates with Brans, and Kate with the pregnancy... oh wait... :) and Letto its crazy Spencer is already married and tyler is an old man. April thanks for the Hawaii pictures. :) Mom pink lace is done :) and midge 16. wow. first date?
lots of love.

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